Publiziert in: Marktpuls, Unternehmen

Indirect Property Market Weekly - J. Safra Sarasin - 14. Oktober 2024 Montag, 14. Oktober 2024 - 09:20







Indirect Property Market Weekly




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Wir freuen uns, Ihnen heute unseren aktuellen Marktkommentar sowie die neuesten Entwicklungen und eine umfassende Handelsübersicht für indirekte Immobilienanlagen in der Schweiz zu präsentieren. Denn fundierte Informationen bilden die Basis für erfolgreiche Geschäftsaktivitäten.


Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen die Lektüre anregende Einblicke und spannende Erkenntnisse bietet.


Freundliche Grüsse

J. Safra Sarasin Real Estate Hub





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This publication, issued by Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd (“Bank”) is based on publicly available information, information sources and data (“the information”) whose reliability is beyond question. Nonetheless, the Bank accepts no responsibility, either express or implied, for errors or incompleteness of the information provided. Possible errors in this information do not constitute grounds for liability, either directly or indirectly. In particular, neither the Bank nor its shareholders or employees are responsible for the accuracy or continuing accuracy of the opinions, appraisals, conclusions, plans or details of investment funds, their investment strategies, the economic environment, the market, competitive or regulatory environment, etc.  Even if this publication has been issued in the context of an existing contractual relationship, the Bank’s liability is restricted to gross negligence or willful misconduct. Furthermore, the Bank accepts no liability for minor errors of fact. In any case, the liability of the Bank is limited to typical expectable damages, and liability for any indirect damages is expressly excluded.


Insofar as factual information and the opinions of third parties (interpretations and estimates) are presented, the relevant sources are indicated. Our own value judgements (projections and forecasts) which reflect the outcome of work undertaken by the Bank's Research department, are not expressly marked or indicated. The substantive principles and benchmarks underlying our own value judgements are set down in our research methodology principles.


 This publication is a marketing communication from the Bank, which is purely for information purposes and which does not claim to represent a comprehensive portrayal of product characteristics. This publication does not constitute a quotation, an offer or a solicitation of an offer for the purchase or sale of an investment or other specific product, and is not a substitute for obtaining advice and a risk appraisal from your personal advisor – which we expressly recommend before making any investment decision. The Bank may at any time perform services to buy, sell, subscribe to or redeem funds which are mentioned in this publication, or act as a client or authorised representative. It is possible that the Bank may receive sales commissions for portfolio management fees in respect of certain funds referred to in this publication. Such fees are for the use of the Bank sales channel and do not generally accrue to the investors. Where future price trends are presented in the context of this publication, these trends and/or the recommendations derived from them are based, amongst other things, on forecasts of future trends on the financial markets and corresponding simulations. These forecasts and simulations are in turn based primarily on past experience and concrete historical performance data. We would like to explicitly remind you that historical performance data, forecast calculations and other simulations are not a reliable indicator of future trends. We can therefore give no guarantee that the forecast values from the calculation models will actually be reflected in fact. Fees and costs are not taken into account in the performance calculation.


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The Bank is regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).


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Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd.

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