Publiziert in: Marktpuls, Unternehmen

Orascom Development Holding AG: erwartet auch im dritten Quartal 2012 einen positiven operativen Cash Flow von CHF 20-25 Millionen trotz einen Verlustes von CHF 30-35 Millionen Dienstag, 27. November 2012 - 17:59

 Orascom Development Holding AG: erwartet auch im dritten Quartal 2012 einen positiven operativen Cash Flow von CHF 20-25 Millionen trotz einen Verlustes von CHF 30-35 Millionen

Orascom Development Holding AG / Schlagwort(e): Vorläufiges Ergebnis/Extra keyword

27.11.2012 17:40

Veröffentlichung einer Ad-hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR


Orascom Development erwartet auch im dritten Quartal 2012 einen positiven operativen Cash Flow von CHF 20-25 Millionen trotz einen Verlustes von CHF 30-35 Millionen

Für das dritte Quartal 2012 erwartet Orascom Development einen operativen Cash Flow von CHF 20-25 Millionen, was den positiven Trend des zweiten Quartals bestätigt. Trotz eines erwarteten Umsatzwachstums von ungefähr 5%, wird von einem Verlust von CHF 30-35 Millionen ausgegangen, der zum Grossteil auf Sondereffekte zurückzuführen ist, die keinen Geldabfluss bewirken.

Altdorf/Kairo, 27. November 2012 - Erste Indikatoren deuten darauf hin, dass Orascom Development Holding AG (Orascom Development) im dritten Quartal 2012 einen operativen Cash Flow vor Zinsen und Steuern von CHF 20-25 Millionen ausweisen wird, was den positiven Trend des zweiten Quartals bestätigt. Des Weiteren erwartet Orascom Development ein Umsatzwachstum von ungefähr 5% (3Q 2011 Umsatz: CHF 55.2 Millionen), das vor allem auf ein verbessertes Hotelergebnis zurückzuführen ist.

Trotz der verbesserten operativen Leistung wird davon ausgegangen, dass Orascom Development's Ergebnis durch Sondereffekte negativ beeinflusst wird, die jedoch keinen Geldabfluss bewirken, wie zum Beispiel Rückstellungen auf Beteiligungen und Transaktionsverluste. Zusätzlich werden erhöhte Finanzierungskosten sowie eine höhere Steuerlast zu einem Reinverlust nach Minderheiten in der Höhe von CHF 30-35 Millionen führen (3Q 2011: CHF 5.2 Millionen Verlust).

In den Monaten September und Oktober 2012 hat Orascom Development erhöhte Immobilienreservationen und Verkäufe im Vergleich zu den ersten acht Monaten 2012 feststellen können und blickt zuversichtlich auf die weitere Geschäftsentwicklung bis zum Jahresende.

Wie zuvor bekannt gegeben werden die Neunmonatszahlen 2012 am 6 Dezember 2012 publiziert.

Über die Gruppe Orascom Development ist ein führender Entwickler von integrierten Ortschaften/Städten, die Hotels, Privatvillen, Wohnungen, Freizeiteinrichtungen wie etwa Golfplätze und Jachthäfen aber auch unterstützende Infrastruktur umfassen. Das breit diversifizierte Portfolio von Orascom Development umfasst Destinationen in neun Ländern (Ägypten, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Jordanien, Oman, Schweiz, Marokko, Montenegro, Grossbritannien und Rumänien). Die Gruppe betreibt momentan sechs Städte: El Gouna, Taba Heights und Haram City in Ägypten, The Cove in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und Jebel Sifah sowie Salalah Beach in Oman. Orascom Development verfügt über eine Doppelkotierung mit einem Primär-Kotierung im Hauptsegment an der SIX Swiss Exchange und einer Zweitkotierung an der EGX Egyptian Exchange.

Disclaimer & Cautionary Statement

The information contained in this e-mail, its attachment and in any link to our website indicated herein is not for use within any country or jurisdiction or by any persons where such use would constitute a violation of law. If this applies to you, you are not authorized to access or use any such information. Certain statements in this e-mail and the attached news release may be forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, statements that are predications of or indicate future events, trends, plans or objectives. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our targeted profit improvement, return on equity targets, expense reductions, pricing conditions, dividend policy and underwriting claims improvements. Undue reliance should not be placed on such statements because, by their nature, they are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties and can be affected by other factors that could cause actual results and Orascom Development Holding AG's plans and objectives to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward looking statements (or from past results). Factors such as (i) general economic conditions and competitive factors, particularly in our key markets; (ii) performance of financial markets; (iii) levels of interest rates and currency exchange rates; and (vii) changes in laws and regulations and in the policies of regulators may have a direct bearing on Orascom Development Holding AG's results of operations and on whether Orascom Development Holding AG will achieve its targets. Orascom Development Holding AG undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements, whether to reflect new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise. It should further be noted, that past performance is not a guide to future performance. Please also note that interim results are not necessarily indicative of the full-year results. Persons requiring advice should consult an independent adviser.

Kontakt: Kontakt Investor Relations Till Leisner +41 41 874 88 07 Sara El Gawahergy +2 01 205 20 52 18

Kontakt Media Relations Daniel Göring +41 41 874 88 33



Orascom Development Holding AG: expects a continuation of positive operating cash flow of CHF 20-25 million in 3Q 2012 despite an expected net loss of CHF 30-35 million

Orascom Development Holding AG / Key word(s): Preliminary Results

27.11.2012 17:40

Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR

Press Release

Orascom Development expects a continuation of positive operating cash flow of CHF 20-25 million in 3Q 2012 despite an expected net loss of CHF 30-35 million

For 3Q 2012 Orascom Development expects another quarter of positive operating cash flow of CHF 20-25 million. Furthermore a 5% increase in group revenues and a net loss of CHF 30-35 million are anticipated. The loss is mainly driven by extraordinary non-cash items.

Altdorf/Cairo, 27 November 2012 - First indications show that during the third quarter of 2012 Orascom Development Holding AG (Orascom Development) will continue to report an operating cash flow before interest and taxes of CHF 20-25 million. Furthermore, consolidated revenues are expected to have increased by about 5% versus prior year (3Q 2011: CHF 55.2 million), which is mainly a result of improved income from hotel operations.

Notwithstanding this growth, Orascom Development's performance was impacted by several extraordinary non-cash items such as provisions for investments and transaction losses. Additionally, increased financing costs and higher deferred taxes are expected to result in a net loss after minorities of CHF 30-35 million (3Q 2011: CHF 5.2 million net loss).

Orascom Development witnessed a pick-up of real estate sales and reservations during September and October 2012 when compared to the first eight months of the year and is cautiously optimistic regarding the business development towards the end of the year.

The full set of nine months results 2012 will be published on 6 December 2012 as earlier announced.

About Orascom Development Holding AG Orascom Development is a leading developer of fully integrated destinations that include hotels, private villas and apartments, leisure facilities such as golf courses, marinas and supporting infrastructure. Orascom Development's diversified portfolio of destinations is spread over nine jurisdictions (Egypt, UAE, Jordan, Oman, Switzerland, Morocco, Montenegro, United Kingdom and Romania). The Group currently operates six destinations; three in Egypt El Gouna, Taba Heights and Haram City, The Cove in United Arab Emirates and Jebel Sifah and Salalah Beach in Oman. Orascom Development has a dual listing, with a primary listing on the SIX Swiss Exchange and a secondary listing on the EGX Egyptian Exchange.

Disclaimer & Cautionary Statement

The information contained in this e-mail, its attachment and in any link to our website indicated herein is not for use within any country or jurisdiction or by any persons where such use would constitute a violation of law. If this applies to you, you are not authorized to access or use any such information. Certain statements in this e-mail and the attached news release may be forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, statements that are predications of or indicate future events, trends, plans or objectives. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our targeted profit improvement, return on equity targets, expense reductions, pricing conditions, dividend policy and underwriting claims improvements. Undue reliance should not be placed on such statements because, by their nature, they are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties and can be affected by other factors that could cause actual results and Orascom Development Holding AG's plans and objectives to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward looking statements (or from past results). Factors such as (i) general economic conditions and competitive factors, particularly in our key markets; (ii) performance of financial markets; (iii) levels of interest rates and currency exchange rates; and (vii) changes in laws and regulations and in the policies of regulators may have a direct bearing on Orascom Development Holding AG's results of operations and on whether Orascom Development Holding AG will achieve its targets. Orascom Development Holding AG undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements, whether to reflect new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise. It should further be noted, that past performance is not a guide to future performance. Please also note that interim results are not necessarily indicative of the full-year results. Persons requiring advice should consult an independent adviser.

Contact: Contact Investor Relations Till Leisner +41 41 874 88 07 Sara El Gawahergy +2 01 205 20 52 18

Contact Media Relations Daniel Göring +41 41 874 88 33